Wallpaper Removal in Avon Lake House
We know wallpaper is trending again for interior design wall treatments and we don't hate it. Just because we are professional painters does not mean we have anything against wall paper. We love it! But we do not recommend painting it. At this home in Avon Lake the new home buyer did NOT love the wallpaper in the grand entrance so they painted over it.
Painting over wallpaper has been done for centuries so we don't blame anyone that wants a fresh coat of paint (or two or three) over their dated wallpaper. Plus, let's face it - a few gallons of paint cost less than $100 and within a few hours that wallpaper can look as nice as a freshly painted room. Painting over wallpaper is done frequently as a quick, inexpensive fix. Unfortunately, it is short-term. Painting over wallpaper is not a permanent solution.
Wallpaper is not a permanent solution, as it is. Wallpaper that is professionally hung lasts up to 15 years. Getting the longest life from your wallpaper requires the walls to be cleaned and prepared properly and the adhesive and quality of paper to be premium. So when this wallpaper started to peel, these homeowners knew their was no short-term fix.
Replacing Wallpaper with Paint
The steps to replace wallpaper with paint are lengthy. First we remove the wallpaper. Once wallpaper has been painted it can be more difficult to remove but most wallpaper removal takes some drywall with it. Once the wallpaper is removed we do drywall repairs and patch areas affected. Once the skim coating, a thin coat of diluted joint compound, is dried and ready, we can prepare the wall for paint and get started with the interior painting.
Local House Painter for Your Wallpaper Removal
Scott Richardson of Richardson Painting and Pressure Washing completed this interior paint job at this Avon Lake, Ohio home with the highest quality paint to stand up to wear and tear, as well as washing.